Reclaim your eros

1:1 coaching to reconnect to your body, pleasure, and aliveness.

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Ready to feel more connected to your pleasure than ever before?

Long to feel alive, embodied and empowered?

If you’ve found your way here, there’s likely a longing within you that can no longer be ignored. It may be a soft whisper or an instinctual tugging - but something is telling you that you deserve more.

The truth is you long to connect to truer version of yourself.
The part of you that is alive, embodied and empowered.

For a long time now, your inner-fire has felt dimmed.
You’ve put your desires, pleasures and needs to the side.

You’ve stayed small so as not to disrupt others’ perception of you. 
You say yes when you mean no, and no when you mean yes.
You’re tired of people pleasing and feeling resentful afterwards.

The weight of not allowing your true vibrant self to shine is exhausting and you are tired of carrying around other’s shame and guilt. 

It’s not yours, and you are ready to create your own reality.

You are ready to claim your sovereignty.

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RECLAIM YOUR EROS is your opportunity to work directly with me and receive personalized and intimate support adapted to your unique desires and needs.

This 6-month somatic coaching journey is for women(x) who are ready to cultivate an intimate relationship with their body, pleasure and erotic essence so they can create healthy boundaries, love and accept their body, claim their desires and ultimately, live a life that is meaningful and aligned to their truest self.

It’s a journey of transformation, where you shift from:

disconnected TO ↠ embodied



How do these shifts translate to real life?

The women(x) I work with begin to love and accept their body more than they ever have before. They shed years (generations) of patriarchal conditioning that tell them they are “not enough” and begin to appreciate how wonderful their body is. They stop trying to “fix” things and drop into deep reverence for what their body looks like and all that it does.

They recognize their desires are valid and deserving. They dare to dream big and begin to actualize them! Clients quit unfulfilling jobs, created their own successful businesses, ended relationships that were not aligned. They booked the trip they were holding out on.

The women(x) I work with get clear on their body-based YES’s and NO’s, so they naturally create more opportunities to live the life they desire.

Finally, the women(x) I work with prioritize playfulness and pleasure on a daily basis. This may look like scheduling a solo sensual date night, savoring every bite of a brownie, flirting with the local barista or taking a walk in the forest after the rain.

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Make it stand out.

With my guidance and through your own embodied learning, you will:


Learning to connect to your body in a way that feels embodied, requires you to feel safe enough to slow down and listen. Slow, titrated, body-based (somatic) practices will help you build nervous system capacity so you can tune into the full range of sensations and learn how to listen to your body’s desires.


Unlearning “good girl” and/or people pleasing tendencies is fundamental as you move towards unapologetically inhabiting your wild, authentic self. EROS will allow you to recognize your body’s yes and no, learn to speak your truth and be unwavering in your boundaries.


Tap into your life force, aka your EROS by nourishing intimacy with yourself. Go inwards, get curious and establish a deeper relationship with your sensations, and experiences in the present moment. Explore the range of your pleasure, sacred rage and ferocity. Embody it all without shame or guilt. Create a new narrative that aligns with your truth.


As you work on nourishing your nervous system, get clear on your boundaries, trust your body and amplify your sensual self, you begin to reclaim your own sovereignty. You begin to live your life according to your own internal definitions, regardless of old belief systems and external conditioning. You become anchored in your authentic truth and it feels liberating and sexy af!


Saying yes to working with me gives you access to the culmination of my 15+ years of self-discovery and professional expertise. Drawing from my work in public health research, yogic discoveries, shadow work, nervous system nourishment, trauma informed and body-based (somatic) care.

What does that look like in real life? The women(x) I work with recognize that their desires matter. They feel empowered and trust their body in ways they never have before.

They also quit unfulfilling jobs, start their own business, end relationships that were not aligned and have increased self-confidence. They prioritize pleasure and rest, have unwavering boundaries, experience a deeper level of self-love & feel turned on by life, daily.

How will your world transform?

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How the journey unfolds

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You deserve an embodied, pleasure-filled life.

Your 6- month journey starts here:

↠ 12 bi-weekly on-line sessions (75 mins)

Each 1:1 session will be a combination of coaching, education and body-based (somatic) practices.

↠ 12 integration practices

Each “off” week you’ll receive guided practices to support you in applying your learnings and revelations to your daily life.

↠ Ongoing access via WhatsApp

This keeps us connected in-between sessions and gives you the opportunity to share your breakthroughs, ask questions and seek additional support.

  • “Reclaiming the power of my body's sensations has been profound—an absolute gift to my soul. Stella's incredible skills and nurturing presence makes me feel held and supported, allowing me to dive to great depths. All of me is welcome.

    This experience has been invaluable and as a result I feel more safe and confident in my body and in life. I have more self-compassion. I feel connected to my true authentic self.”

    isabelle g.s

  • “I no longer see pleasure as self-indulgence, it is my birth right and path to freedom”

    alexandra p.

  • “I’ve never felt this alive. Every inch of my body. I can feel my blood pumping, my blood flowing, my muscles stretching, and all the while I am present. I don’t remember my body ever feeling so actually ALIVE”

    saana g.

What does working with me look like?

Slow and intentional

Sustainable transformation happens over time, in a titrated, digestible way. Together, we move slowly, so the body has time to integrate what is being learned (and unlearned). We find safety in going slow, nourishing the nervous system and building resilience.


Awakening to your EROS is a journey that allows your body and senses to lead. A body-based (somatic) approach uses practices like sound, breath, therapeutic movement, and touch. Somatic experiencing offers a sensation based approach to self-exploration and transformation and it leads the way I hold space for and guide the women(x) I work with. It’s a powerful way to uncover your body’s intelligence, release held emotions and explore pleasure.

trauma informed

Recognizing the prevalence of trauma (small T and big T’s) is central to my approach when working with clients. My skills create an experience that is transparent, trustworthy, safer and is based on choice. I hold space so what is ready to arise can be seen, witnessed and integrated.

person-centered & real

This approach starts with where you are at. It centers around your present moment somatic experience, without the need to “fix” or change your experience. Your whole self is welcome. The parts you’ve cast into the shadows as much as those you love and accept. It’s about loving your whole, wild, real and messy self.

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hi, I’m stella

Soulful traveler, Holistic Cycle Coach, Embodied Witch

My curious nature and sense of awe surrounding the human body is what initiated my journey to self-discovery.

But it was my disconnection to self that altered the course of my life. From constantly struggling with PMS, being emotionally shut down and rejecting the feminine to thriving in each cycle phase, integrating my traumas, being embodied and welcoming pleasure and ease into my life.

Take a moment to close your eyes and reflect on:



Reclaim your eros is your invitation to do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Application form

An intimate, alive and embodied life awaits you!

Take some time to explore how you truly desire to connect to your body, pleasure and eros. Once you’ve completed the application form below, you’ll be guided to book a call with me so we can see if we are a good fit.

I look forward to connecting,
Stella xo