Reclaim your cycle
1:1 coaching to reconnect you to your cycle & feminine power
Ready to transform how you experience your menstrual cycle each month?
Want to deepen your relationship with your body and feminine?
There’s a tremendous lack of knowledge around what we, as a collective, understand about our bodies, wombs and cycles.
As young women(x), we’re taught to hide our menstrual products and keep ‘period talk’ private. Even today, our period is often considered as “dirty” or “gross”. And most of the focus is on our bleed, when really, we move through 4 distinct cycle phases every month. Each vital to having a healthy and balanced cycle.
We’ve been taught that period pain is normal(wtf?!) and that experiencing sudden mood swings, along with the other 150+ PMS symptoms is just part of being a “woman(x)”. We’re expected to bear the pain, bloating, and fatigue and show up the same way, every single day, regardless of what cycle phase we are in.
Now imagine a reality where you:
↠ Have the knowledge and tools to support your body and hormones through each cycle phase;
↠ Embrace your cyclical nature and know how to live in accordance to your natural hormonal rhythm (instead of constantly living against it);
↠ Experience naturally pain-free periods, have smoother premenstrual phases and know when you are ovulating;
↠ Feel more connected than ever to your body, and instead of feeling apprehension or dread around your bleed - you now celebrate it, every single month.
If you long for this reality, then keep reading because you are in the right place.
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RECLAIM YOUR CYCLE is your opportunity to work directly with me and receive personalized and intimate support adapted to your unique menstrual cycle needs.
This 6-month somatic coaching journey is for women(x) who are ready to better understand their cycle and reconnect to their womb so they can experience balanced hormones, pain-free periods, less PMS and, after years of rejecting their natural internal rhythm, begin to love and accept their cyclical selves.
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It’s a journey of transformation, where you shift from:
pain to ↠ ease
erratic to ↠ balanced
disconnected to ↠ embodied
Make it stand out.
With my guidance, and through your own embodied learning, you will:
Understand your hormones and menstrual cycle so you can support your body through each cycle phase. By becoming cycle literate you can empower yourself to experience more easeful and pleasurable cycles.
Naturally balance your hormones so you don’t feel like a victim to your symptoms and bleed each month.
Empower yourself with rituals that honor your cycle. Shifting you from apprehension and confusion to celebration and deep reverence for your womb and cycle.
Start living a cycle centered life that honors your natural, biological infradian rhythm
The women(x) I work with not only experience more easeful periods, less PMS and a deep reverence for the body and womb. These profound shifts are just the beginning, because they also:
Quit unfulfilling jobs, start their own businesses, have increased self-confidence, prioritize rest, have unwavering boundaries, experience a deeper level of self-love & feel turned on by life, daily.
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Reclaim your cycle:
How the journey unfolds
1:1 coaching to reconnect you to your cycle & feminine power
↠ 12 bi-weekly on-line sessions (75 mins)
Each 1:1 session will be a combination of coaching, education and body-based (somatic) practices.
↠ 12 integration practices
Each “off” week you’ll receive guided practices to support you in applying your learnings and revelations to your daily life.
↠ Ongoing access via WhatsApp
This keeps us connected in-between sessions and gives you the opportunity to share your breakthroughs, ask questions and seek additional support.
You’ll receive my personal cycle journal to help build a daily mindfulness practice as you track your cycle, learn about each cycle phase and support your cyclical needs.
What does working with me look like?
Slow and intentional
I don’t believe in quick fixes. Sustainable transformation happens over time, in a titrated, digestible way. Together, we move slowly, so the body has time to integrate what is being learned (and unlearned). We find safety in going slow while aligning to your cyclical nature.
So how do you actually “listen to your body”? Reclaiming your menstrual cycle requires the ability to understand your body’s language and cue’s - this is done through tracking sensation and body-based (somatic) experiencing. Somatic experiencing offers a sensation based approach to self-exploration and transformation and it leads the way I hold space for and guide the women I work with.
trauma informed
My approach recognizes the prevalence of trauma (small T and big T’s). My skills create an experience that is transparent, trustworthy, safer and is based on choice. I hold space so what is ready to arise can be seen, witnessed and integrated.
person-centered & real
My approach starts with where you are at. It centers around your present moment experiences, without the need to “fix” or change anything. Your whole self is welcome. The parts you’ve cast into the shadows as much as those you love and accept. It’s about loving your whole, wild, real and messy self.
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hi, I’m stella
Soulful traveler, Holistic Cycle Coach, Embodied Witch
My curious nature and sense of awe surrounding the human body is what initiated my journey to self-discovery.
But it was my disconnection to self that altered the course of my life. From constantly struggling with PMS, being emotionally shut down and rejecting the feminine to thriving in each cycle phase, integrating my traumas, being embodied and welcoming pleasure and ease into my life.
Change can be scary. I got you.
I get it, change can be scary. Breaking (generational) patterns can have you second guessing this whole journey. Here are 4 common challenges that we, as menstruating humans often come up against, and how working together, will have you feeling supported and empowered throughout it all.
Choosing to reconnect to a part of yourself that has been shamed and denied for centuries can feel radical AF. Heck, most people don’t even say the word “period” out loud and here you are ready to reclaim your cycle (go YOU!).
Embarking on this journey will help you break outdated stories, create coherence and embody an unshakable confidence when it comes to connecting to, and talking about, your menstrual cycle.
Part of reclaiming your cycle requires you to slow tf down. I get it- you’ve been conditioned to link your worth to being busy and taught that if you slow down or prioritize rest; you’re lazy and unproductive.
But here’s the thing - the majority of menstrual challenges and symptoms: painful periods, heavy or missing bleeds, insomnia, bloating, unpredictable mood swings are linked to living against your cyclical nature.
How much longer do you want to live like this?
Our work together will guide you to live in alignment with your cycle, so you know when to be in “go” mode and when to chill. You’ll be taught body based practices to help regulate your nervous system, so that slowing down feels safe and accessible. The amazing thing? You’ll do less, and achieve more.
NO. It’s absolutely not. I was in my mid-thirties when I realized that my painful, tender breasts and bloated stomach were *not* normal premenstrual symptoms. They were my body telling me that my hormones were out of whack and I needed to make some changes.
Whatever menstrual symptom(s) you’re struggling with - know that your body is communicating with you. Working together, you’ll learn your body’s cues so you can begin to appropriately respond to and support your needs.
Shifting your lifestyle is a crucial part of shifting from pain to ease. We often sabotage our cycle health by eating processed foods, not getting enough sleep or living with chronic stress.
Working together, I will guide you in bite size, achievable ways to support your cycle and hormonal needs. This means cycle wisdom will be shared gradually, so you’ll have time to integrate your learnings easefully without feeling overwhelmed.
Take a moment to close your eyes and reflect on:
How does your future self want to feel each month?
How will that impact the quality of your life?

Reclaim your cycle is your invitation to do something today that your future self will thank you for.
Application form
A balanced, connected and empowered cycle awaits you!
Take a moment to explore how you truly desire to feel around your menstrual cycle and feminine. Once you’ve completed the application form below, you’ll be guided to book a call with me so we can see if we’re a good fit.
I look forward to connecting.
Stella xo