blood magic
Reclaim your cycle ANd feminine power
Ready to transform how you experience your menstrual cycle?
This is the experience you’ve been calling in
Blood Magic is a 4-month group coaching program intentionally designed to transform how you experience your cycle and connect to your feminine power.
Shift from experiencing painful, irregular and disconnected menstrual cycles to embodying an easeful, pleasure-filled cyclical life.
blood magic
transform your cycle from
Pain to ease
Erratic to balanced
Disconnected & numb to embodied & pleasurable
welcome to
Blood Magic
a 4-month journey for women(x) who know their ease and pleasure lies in reclaiming their menstrual cycle and feminine power.
This group coaching program has been intentionally curated to equip you with the wisdom and guidance needed to:
↠ Cultivate cycle literacy
Understand your hormones and menstrual cycle so you can support your body and womb through each cycle phase.
↠ Become balanced
Naturally balance your hormones so you don’t feel like a victim to your symptoms and bleed each month.
Empower yourself with rituals that honour your cycle. Shifting you from apprehension and confusion to celebration and deep reverence for your womb and cycle.
↠ Integrate cyclical living
Start living a cycle centered life that honours your natural, biological infradian rhythm.
↠ Invite connection
Create profound soul-sister connections. Magic happens when women(x) gather and Blood Magic holds the space for profound connections to emerge.
“I’m so glad that I invested both my time and money into this program. I was terrified to go on this journey and now I’m screaming on the rooftops that this is the way to go!”
Sanaa g.
Coach, Designer & Mama of 3. Client for 6months
“Stella holds the most beautiful space and working with her has allowed me to find a whole new appreciation for my cycle. I feel a deeper connection to my period, my womb, and am experiencing a lot less pain and PMS. I highly recommend working with her!”
Digital nomad, creative and surfer. Client for 3 months
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Your are not alone in this
Change can be scary & breaking (generational) patterns can have you second guessing your journey. Here are 4 common challenges that we, as menstruating women(x), often come up against, and why staying stuck here is not an option.
Choosing to reconnect to a part of yourself that has been shamed and denied for centuries can feel radical AF. Heck, most people don’t even say the word “period” out loud and here you are ready to reclaim your cycle (go YOU!).
This program will help you to break outdated stories, create coherence and embody an unshakable confidence when it comes to connecting to, and talking about, your menstrual cycle.
Part of Cyclical Living will require you to slow waaaay down. I get it- you’ve been conditioned to link your worth to being busy and taught that if you slow down, relax or prioritise rest; you’re lazy and unproductive.
But here’s the thing - the majority of menstrual challenges and symptoms (painful periods, heavy or missing bleeds, insomnia, bloating, unpredictable mood swings…) are linked to living against your cyclical nature.
How much longer do you want to live like this?
Blood Magic will teach you how to live in alignment with your cycle, so you know when to be in “go” mode and when to chill. You’ll be taught somatic practices to help regulate your nervous system, so that slowing down feels safe and accessible. The amazing thing? You’ll do less, and achieve more.
I was in my mid-thirties when I realised that my painful tender breasts and bloated stomach were *not* normal signs that I was about to get my period. This was my body telling me that my hormones were out of whack and I needed to make some changes.
Whatever menstrual symptom(s) you’re struggling with - know that your body is communicating with you. In this program, you’ll learn the language of your body and womb so you know how to support and honour your needs.
Shifting how we live our lives is an inherent part of shifting how we experience our cycle. Most of us sabotage our cycle health by eating processed foods, not getting enough sleep or living in chronic stress.
Blood Magic introduces ways to support your cycle and hormonal needs in a titrated way. This means cycle wisdom will be shared gradually, so you’ll have time to integrate your learnings easefully without feeling overwhelmed.
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stella artuso (she/her)
I’m thrilled to have you here.
I’m a multi-passionate human who’s been intrigued by the wisdom of the human body and holistic ways of living ever since I was a child. I remember thinking that sunshine, fruit and running barefoot on grass was the secret to happiness (and I still kinda do!).
Today, that barefoot explorer is a Menstrual Cycle Coach & Somatic Erotic Educator. I guide women(x) to reclaim their cycles and remember their divine feminine power.
Before I was radically shifting how women(x) connect to themselves - I worked in academia and the health sector for many years. My main focus was implementing accessible care for a variety of underserved populations. I worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia, with people living with HIV/AIDS and women(x) accessing prenatal care in Canada.
Although I loved my work, something was missing. I felt a deep disconnection to myself and the feminine. A series of events brought me to do my yoga teacher training - and today, with a cumulation of over 1000+h training - I realise this was just the beginning of my journey back to my authentic, free and cyclical self.
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Somatic erotic educator training deepend my connection to self and provided me with the most profound way to listen to and understand my cyclical body. Somatic experiencing offers a sensation based approach to self-exploration and transformation.
Blood magic is the result of over 15+ years of personal and professional exploration that merges science and the sacred.
Masters in Public Health (MPH)
Bachelors in Exercise Science (B.Sc)
1000+h YTTC (hatha, yin, restorative, tantra)
Somatic Erotic Educator Certification (Trauma informed)
It is my utmost pleasure to guide women(x) to reconnect to, and remember, who they truly are. Witnessing women(x) reclaim their sacred, powerful and divine selves is my heart and womb’s mission.
‘‘This program is a game changer for any female bodied person desiring more knowledge & connection with their body, its rhythm, its needs and basic function to be able to better show up for it.
If you are having extreme symptoms within your cycle or don't feel at home in your body, this is a great program and practice for you.
My relationship with my cycle was one of longing, confusion, resentment and frustration.
Now it is one of listening, nurturing, having reverence for and honouring. ’’
Model, A curvy woman in a wild world
Blood Magic client cohort 2022
“There is no place safer to reconnect to the feminine and to menstrual cycle than with Stella. How beautiful it is to collectively break free of the taboos and shame that surround the feminine and the magic of one's monthly bleed. I cannot urge you enough to connect with Stella and her teachings as medicine to heal the collective. Invite your mamas and sisters too, heck yell it off the rooftops because the world needs this kind of healing and reconnection. Truly the greatest gift of all.”
Buzzing Gemini, womb devotee, & herbalist (in the making). Client for 4 years

reclaiming your cycle and feminine power is sacred work.
Is blood magic for you?
Blood Magic is a deep and immersive 4-month coaching program dedicated to cycle wisdom, embodiment and reclamation of your feminine power.
There are a limited number of spots available for this program to ensure a high-quality and intimate experience among participants. For this reason, I will be hand selecting those who join me on this journey.
This program is for women(x) who are open-minded, curious and committed to breaking old patterns and reprogramming new ways of living around their cycle, body and feminine essence.
* Next cohort runs from May - August 2023.
Blood magic is an invitation to women who have a holistic mindset when it comes to their cycle and health. They believe that the body functions as a whole and all is interconnected - body, mind, nervous system, intuition and spirit, and that our inner & outer ecosystems matter.
It is encouraged that you have done some level of self-discovery, or spiritual work.
when you join blood magic:
↠ You’re reclaiming parts of yourself (and your ancestors) that were intentionally severed.
↠ you’re reconnecting to and integrating to your whole, beautiful, powerful self.
"Blood Magic is nothing short of necessary"
"Blood Magic is nothing short of necessary" • -KIM M. •
blood magic
is for you if…
◦ You’re committed to doing the inner-work required to connect to the sacredness of your menstrual cycle and feminine essence.
◦ You’re ready to make holistic lifestyle changes (ex. how you nourish yourself, somatic and movement practices, stress reduction, cyclical living).
◦ You want to empower yourself with the knowledge, rituals and practices needed to support your cycle health (and are tired of allopathic practitioners over-prescribing hormonal birth control pills).
◦ You want to experience a healthy and balanced cycle with less period pain and PMS symptoms.
◦ You want to cultivate an intimate relationship with your cycle, womb and pleasure.
◦ You desire to connect with other women(x) in sisterhood, and are ready to cultivate respect, love and reverence for one another.
blood magic
is not for you if…
◇ You are looking for a “quick fix” to your period problems and/or PMS symptoms.
◇ You only want to live cyclically from “time to time”
◇ You don’t want to make any changes to how you’re currently living, but expect your cycle to improve.
◇ You’re not open to trusting your body’s intelligence and listening to its messages.
◇ You’d rather sacrifice your cycle health over slowing down, listening and honour your body’s needs.
◇ You don’t respect other women(x) journeys and are intolerant to different experiences other than your own.
How the magic unfolds
You’ll be guided on your journey of reclamation through various approaches, all of which have been carefully tailored to support you as you emerge into your most authentic, cyclical-self.
↠ 14 weekly, virtual group sessions (90mins each)
Sessions will be a combination of teachings, coaching, shares, Q&A and guided somatic practices.
↠ 14 integration practices
Access to weekly pre-recorded practices to allow the integration of the teachings.
↠One private 1:1 coaching session with Stella
This is your opportunity to be coached by Stella on your unique cyclical needs and desires.
↠ 2 sacred pauses for integration
Designated pauses in our weekly sessions to allow time for the course material to be absorbed and integrated.
↠ Access to a group chat container
This keeps you in contact with the other women(x) in the program and is an opportunity to share breakthroughs, questions, and witness each other’s journeys.
↠One copy of Magic Within: A Cycle Journal.
A cycle journal to help you build your daily mindfulness practice as you track your cycle, learn about each cycle phase and support your cycle needs.
why blood magic?
This program has been uniquely designed to combine the science behind our hormones with the sacredness of our cyclical nature; supported through trauma informed, feminine-led coaching and somatic experiencing.
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This is not your average “love and light” spiritual program, nor is it a dry, scientific symposium. Blood magic is the culmination of over 15+ years of my personal and professional exploration, merging science and the sacred. Drawing from my experiences in research and academia, yoga and self-discovery, facing the shadow side of the feminine, nervous system regulation, embodiment and an unwavering desire to help women(x) connect to who they truly are.
You’re likely the first woman(x) in your lineage who has the opportunity to reclaim their cycle and embody an easeful, pleasure-filled cyclical life.
After generations of this sacred wisdom being intentionally severed and denied, Blood Magic is your key to reclaiming what has always been yours (and your ancestors) birthright:
↠ YOUR right to live a cycle-centred, balanced, embodied and pleasure-filled life.
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real transformations
what called you here
↠ You want to feel empowered
you want to cultivate cycle literacy, so you can better understand how your cycle works, how to balance your hormones, and how to live in harmony (not against) with your cyclical nature.
↠ You know you deserve an easeful cycle
you’re tired of struggling every single month. You know, deep down, that it doesn’t have to be this way. You’re ready to experience less period pain and PMS symptoms, have a regular cycle and embody a pleasure-filled cyclical life.
↠ You desire a deeper connection to your womb
you know your cycle is a sacred source of power and now you’re ready to FEEL it. You want to embody an intimate relationship with yourself and connect to ease daily.
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Blood magic is your invitation to do something today that your future self will thank you for.
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Here is the thing:
we are cyclical beings living in a non-cyclical world.
We live in a patriarchal culture that does not value the natural, beautiful, and powerful infradian rhythm that exists among women(x) who bleed.
Just because our culture doesn’t value or acknowledge this part of us - doesn’t mean we stop being cyclical. It’s part of our biology and our spirit.
And the longer you continue to live against your natural rhythm the longer you will continue to struggle with imbalanced hormones, painful bleeds, erratic PMS and a feeling of disconnection.
Your choice to reclaim your cycle is a profound act of reclaiming a part yourself that was intentionally severed. It’s your personal (and powerful) revolution that breaks ancestral patterns and invites you to create a life that you desire and deserve.
Joining Blood Magic will not only have a positive ripple effect on the rest of your cyclical life, but it will also affect those around you (ex. how you show up in your intimate relationship, at work, with family and friends). You will also notice a strong desire to share cycle wisdom with the other women(x) in your world.
What’s more, the women(x) I work with not only experience more easeful periods, less PMS and a deep reverence for the body and womb. They also quit unfulfilling jobs, start their own business, have increased self-confidence, prioritise rest, have unwavering boundaries, experience a deeper level of self-love & feel turned on by life, daily.
Take a moment to close your eyes and reflect on:
How does your future self want to feel each month?
How will that impact how you live your life?
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Blood Magic is exactly what I’ve been looking for
How do I get started?
YESSS! It’s inspiring to witness you answering the call to reclaim your cycle and feminine power.
Doors are now open for the next cohort of Blood Magic. The journey will run from May though August 2023.
Applications close May 15th 2023.
I intentionally take the time to meet with everyone who applies to Blood Magic because I believe it’s important for us to connect in real time and drop into your desires and how this journey can guide you to them.
It is my honour and pleasure to support you.

stella artuso
follow the journey @stella_cyclesomatics
©Stella Artuso, 2022 | Photos by Paula Simons - Website design by Julie Studio